Category: Uncategorized

Responsive Design Is Easy: A Tutorial

If you’ve never given responsive design a try because it seems too hard, you’re not alone. I’ll admit that it took me a long time to work up the nerve to try it. Everything just seemed so complicated. But it

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Upcoming Responsive Design Events in DC

If you missed my sold-out responsive design workshop last month, you’re in luck — DC Web Women has asked me to do a repeat of Introduction to Responsive Web Design for the Tuesday, Sept. 11, installment of their Code(Her) workshop

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We Write for the Screen, So Why Do We Still Format for Print?

Earlier this summer I attended Wikimania, the annual conference of the Wikipedia community, and went to a session demonstrating a new interface for editing Wikipedia pages. Editing Wikipedia needs to be more intuitive, the speaker pointed out in his presentation.

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Introduction to Responsive Web Design

Thanks to everyone who came to my Introduction to Responsive Web Design workshop last night. If you missed it, I’ve posted the slides for you to view online or download: Slides from Introduction to Responsive Web Design Here’s what we

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